Dirty Penny

Idag tänker jag bjuda på lite riktig musik.

Favvolåten med Dirty Penny, Frågan är ju om det finns snyggare killar? Kan inte jag få en sån hära? ^^,


Ever since I was just a boy, I always wanted to make some noise

My daddy told me “Don’t be a fool, you’re never gonna make it, get your lazy ass to school’’
But I don’t wanna, that’s not for me, don’t care about what happens in the 1970’s
I know my future is lookin’ bright, and someday everybody is gonna see my name in lines
(Whooa) Don’t tell me what do
(Whooa) I ain’t doin’ this for you

Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Everybody can you hear me now?
Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Everybody can you hear me now?

Check out the papers, who’s number one?
“Oh my goodness, ain’t you good for nothing, son?”
Check out my women, check out my car
How does it feel to be the father of a star?

(Whooa) Look at me now
(Whooa) Daddy are you proud?

Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Motherfucker can you hear me now?
Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Motherfucker can you hear me now?

I always knew I was gonna make it someday
And now that I have I wanna take over the world


Can you hear me scream?
Can you hear me shout?

Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Everybody can you hear me now?
Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Everybody can you hear me now?

Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Motherfucker can you hear me now?
Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Motherfucker can you hear me now?

Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Everybody can you hear me now?
Can you hear me scream? (scream)
Can you hear me shout? (shout)
Motherfucker can you hear me now? (...fade)

Postat av: emmy

emmy har ju pratat med sångaren på facebook dåvaa :) pratade om att de kanske ska till P&L nästa år :D Men din tjuuuv, du såg dom på min blogg eller ngt din tönt!! ;)

2009-09-02 @ 23:30:39
URL: http://eemmyy.blogg.se/
Postat av: Vivsan

Haha ja jag hade faktiskt glömt bort dom, du påminde mej^^,

2009-09-18 @ 01:35:39
URL: http://burny.blogg.se/

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